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Speed checks in Belgium

You'll find here all the info you need concerning Belgian speedchecks.

Announced police checks Saturday 27 July 2024

Bel, Geel; Katersberg (N142), Geel; Berthoutstraat, Laakdal; Lakstraat, Laakdal; Molenberg, Meerhout; Schoolstraat, Meerhout

Last edited: 2024-07-27; 77 police zones monitored

» Complete list

» Overview for tomorrow

Fixed radars

We maintain the most accurate list of all fixed radars in Belgium. Discover them all here!

Last update: 2020-12-15

Number in the list: 2129

» Overview per province

» New fixed radar? Keep us informed!

Frequently used control locations

» Submit a new frequently used location

Trajectory speed controls

Trajectory speed controls become more and more widespread. We group them together in a list!

Last update: 2020-11-14

Number in the list: 29

» Overview list

» Submit a missing trajectory control

Make my fine useful...

Did you still receive a fine despite all precautions? Soften the pain a bit, and make your fine a bit useful by sending us the details. Your fine provides us a lot of useful information!

» Received a fine? Send us the details!

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